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Of all the conditions men face, sexual problems are the most personal. Although they are very common, they are not inevitable or permanent, and today there are many modern treatments available. No matter how long a man has been experiencing a problem, it can be treated successfully. The purpose of this website is to provide a better understanding of male sexual dysfunction, why it occurs and what treatment options are now available. contact us on Call or whatsapp +27656538581

Weak Erections

Weak Erections (also know as impotence or erectile dysfunction) is not a disease, but a secondary condition brought on by other, primary causes. It is a side effect, a symptom of something else. Thirty years ago, when men went to their doctors asking for help for erectile problems, they were told that there was no treatment because it was caused by aging, or it was all in their heads (psychological). A generation of research has been conducted in the intervening years.

With more knowledge now,

Doctors divide this very common disorder into four general causes:

    • Psychological
    • Physical (Organic impotence)
    • Mixed origin (both psychological and physical)
    • Unknown origin

About 85% of this problem is due to a physical (organic) cause. Slightly more than 10% is totally psychological, or “all in your head.” The other 5% is unknown. The 85% figure includes a mixture of physical impotence with psychological involvement. Once a man fails to become erect a few times, he places more stress on himself to have an erection by sheer will power. When this too fails, he often begins to have a psychological problem.

The main point here is this: 85% of all impotent men are that way because something within the body, other than the penis, is malfunctioning.

Psychological Impotence describes the problem when physical causes cannot be found. Pure psychological impotence usually comes on suddenly. It can be caused by job stress, a troubled marriage, or financial worries. Any nagging everyday situation which occupies conscious and subconscious thoughts can cause impotence. Depression or concern over poor sexual performance can cause it.Depression or concern over poor sexual performance can cause it.

It should be noted that every man experiences temporary periods of impotence at one time or another during his life. That’s entirely normal, and you don’t need treatment unless the problem is persistent.

Physical Impotence develops gradually and is characterized by any of these three basic functional problems:

    1. Failure to initiate results from impaired release of the chemical messages sent by the nervous system. The inability to develop an erection is common in cases of hormonal insufficiency, spinal cord injury, radical pelvic surgery, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease.
    2. Failure to fill results from poor blood flow into the penis. The inability to develop an erection rigid enough for intercourse is caused by blockage in the arteries, common in cases of pelvic trauma, hypertension, smoking, diabetes and high cholesterol.
    3. Failure to store results from venous leakage when blood escapes too quickly from the penis, leaking back into the body. This inability to maintain an erection rigid enough for intercourse is common in cases of hypertension, smoking, diabetes, high cholesterol and pelvic trauma.

The consensus of most authorities is that the table below represents an accurate distribution of the various causes of physical impotence.

The important thing to remember is that most causes of impotence are physical and often beyond your control. While it is not good to have these physical problems (diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke or prostate disease, etc.), they are conditions you can probably accept and feel comfortable about trying to correct.

Premature Ejaculation

Sexual Health clinic

Premature ejaculation is simply defined as “ejaculation occurring before the individual wishes it”. The condition can be temporary - and normal - in inexperienced men, adolescents and men who are too highly excited or who have abstained from sex for a long time. The Hite report on Male Sexuality surveyed over seven thousand men and found that 21% ejaculated within 50-60 seconds and another 62% ejaculated within 1-5 minutes. Only 1 in 6 men lasted over 5 minutes and 1 in 10 over 10 minutes. There is no difference between nations and races, and no difference between circumcised and those men with foreskins. Most men will last longer if they have sex again a little while later, but it can take a man anything from several minutes to several hours to get another erection. In books and movies the male heroes have sex for hours on end, but in real life such men are the minority.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Sexual Health

Many studies have shown that sexually transmitted diseases constitute a major health problem in Southern Africa. Over one million people seek treatment for STD’s each year.

In males the symptoms of a STD include: Burning urine, painful testis, penile discharge, sores on the penis and swollen lymph nodes in the groin.

In females symptoms include: vaginal discharge, lower abdominal pain, painful intercourse, vaginal itching, sores on the external genitals and lymph nodes in the groin.

If symptoms like the above are experienced, it is important to seek immediate medical attention. The incidence of sexually transmitted diseases and co-infection with HIV is high and it is therefore important to take the necessary precautions. These include condoms, spermicides and abstinence till in a stable relationship.

Sexually transmitted diseases may be caused by a variety of organisms and may present in many different ways.

Low Libido

Sexual Health clinic

Low libido can loosely be defined as a lack of sexual desire. Low libido for an individual is a very personal issue and depends on many variables including age. It is the second most common sexual dysfunction in men after premature ejaculation, according to a recent issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. The loss of libido is also very difficult for men to discuss, despite the help available from health professionals such as Mens Clinic South Africa

The difference between weak erections or impotence and low libido

It is important to note that impotence and loss of libido are two separate issues. Impotence refers to the inability of a man to achieve or maintain an erection for satisfactory sexual intercourse whereas low libido is indicated by a lack of desire. In other words a man suffering from low libido is able to achieve and maintain an erection but does not have the desire to do so. However, men who experience impotence, initially retain the desire for sexual intercourse but start to avoid intercourse to save them from the embarrassment of not being able to perform satisfactorily.

Causes of low libido: The causes of low libido can be divided into two broad categories, physical and psychological.

Physical causes of low libido

Any medical problem or chronic physical condition can cause a reduction in one’s sex drive. If a man is diagnosed with cancer for example, sex may be the furthest thing from his mind for a time. But even minor illnesses can diminish a man’s sexual interest. Conversely, when men improve their health – through exercise, a low-fat diet or, if necessary, medical treatment – their libido is likely to increase.

While any illness can decrease sex drive, some conditions, such as thyroid disease, tumors of the pituitary gland (which controls most hormone production, including sex hormones) and depression, are directly linked to low libido.

Similarly, insufficient amounts of the male sex hormone testosterone may cause low libido, though such a condition is unlikely to affect erectile function.

Certain prescription medications and other drugs can also decrease libido. Many, though not all, antidepressants can diminish sex drive. Other medications with this side effect include tranquilizers and antihypertensive medications. Illicit drugs, such as heroin, cocaine and marijuana, when used heavily and chronically, may lower libido.

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