+27833895606 Authentic Sangoma in Randburg|Soweto|Randparkridge

+27833895606 Authentic Sangoma in Randburg|Johannesburg|Soweto|Randparkridge * Are You Booked With a [Sangoma Or Healer?

All sangomas are healers but not every healer is a sangoma.

A sangoma is someone who can willfully connect with one or more of your loved ones who have passed on; a sangoma is someone who specializes in communicating intuitive information about your life, relationships, and future.

Find out in advance if the person with whom you are booked is a sangoma, a healer, or both.

It will aid you in tempering your expectations. As before, go in open-minded. This tends to be the way things work spiritually.

* Terminate Any session That Does not Feel Right

No reputable sangoma will ever predict your death, foretell a tragedy, etc.

A reputable sangoma will also not keep increasing their fee with each visit, or expect that you buy ancillary merchandise from them on a regular basis. Run, don’t walk, from anyone who conducts business with you in a manner that does not feel authentic.

An inauthentic sangoma will bluff their way through for being focused on making a buck.

These principles are a good place to begin when considering a booking with a sangoma.

Don’t hesitate to ask for references or to research a sangoma online.

I have received many clients as referrals from others who were satisfied customers.

A good sangoma’s work will speak for itself.

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